The ultimate comfort food, sweetcorn kernels in a rich creamy sauce.
3 EA corn on the cob
5.5 OZ / 150 ML heavy cream
9 OZ / 250 ML water
2 OZ / 50 G butter
0.5 TSP salt
Remove the corn from the cob and soak the corn in water for 20 minutes to remove the starch. Strain the water and reserve the corn for the next step.
Add the cream, water, corn, butter and salt to the mixing bowl. Cook your creamed corn with the measuring cup removed for 40 minutes / 230°F|110°C / speed 2 / stir.
Enjoy your side dish!
Recipe Note
You can use about 1 pound (16 OZ) of frozen corn to substitute the fresh corn.
You can also enjoy your creamed corn with a little bit of lime juice and chili powder.